lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

Le Soldat d'Hiver

"Winter is coming..." Loneliness is a word that many don't seem to understand. People often confuse loneliness with being alone when in reality the difference is quite abysmal. I've been blessed in life with a great amount of friends, real friends, those who won't ever leave you in times of distress. Thing is when I tell them I feel lonely, they often react with the same phrases: "I'm here for you man, don't worry" "You're not alone man, we're here for you" "I know it's hard but you got your friends" However they fail to understand how one is helpless in winter:No matter how many hugs you get or how much warmth you feel, it's still cold outside. Regardless of what people do or say, no one can change the fact that when winter comes it's here to stay and the only solution is fighting the battle, a battle that must be fought by one man. Problems will come and the skies will be dark and filled with clouds and no friend you know will ever get rid of winter, friends are soldiers of summer and they can't stop winter. With determination as a sword and an army of personal strength one can however make it through winter and see the sun once again. As the moon shines high and lonely, stars won't ever leave her alone. If only if only if only the wood pecker sighs the bark on the trees was as soft as the skies as the wolf waits below hungry and lonely he cries to the moon if only if only.