lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

And here comes Christmas

Christmas is here and many may wonder what could an awesome man like myself could want

(It's true, I am)

and here's the deal, I'm not sir Richard Branson so I'm not really one who could say I have everything I could ever dream like a floating car or something like that

(That is Richard Branson and he has his floating car, It's really badass)

But I have enough to suffice my needs, well not all of them so this is why I'm writing this. I have enough "wealth" to live well, my schooling is doing quite well and I have wonderful friends

(Even they can't trump my set of lads, yeah they're quite awesome)

but I am lacking that one companion that every awesome man needs, and surely every awesome man needs an awesome companion so in the spirit of Christmas and in my current Goo Goo Dolls, Better Days mood I shall write how I wish this companion to be; cause I don't need no designer love or empty things.

Recently I watched Crazy Stupid Love and that movie gave me the phrase that exactly describes the person I'm looking for: A GAME CHANGER. My friends that kind of person is out there. Have you ever seen someone so majestic and beautiful in it's raw core that even with just a pair of leggings and a baggy shirt, something as casual as that, can walk and with the sun behind em can simply take your breath away.

(Berlin knows their shit and so does Top Gun, TOM CRUISE FTW)

That person than when you see em roaming the halls of school you feel like stuck in a 80s movie about odd teenagers (16 Candles, Pretty in Pink, Can't Buy Me Love, Ferris Bueller, Say Anything...You name it brother) you just walking into a Foreigner music video and feel enchanted. That one person that can gets all your silly quirks and for some reason laughs at em with you, that person who can change your blue days into sunny skies with a simple smile.

I know it's a tad childish to think you can easily find a "game changer", cause it's a hard knock life out there but if you keenly observe what's out there and what you got it may not be too far away...

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