viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

About a year ago...

Sometimes I feel the need to tell you what I'm talking about because some of my titles have little or no thing to do with the stories I tell and even when they I do, well I still do it mainly because I enjoy this part of my day. As the title would suggest this story started about a year ago; when exactly? Well I have a general idea but I'm pretty sure I'd be wrong if I suggested some sort of date so my approximation, like most lame approximations, is set in the time frame of year.

So well I walked into this house and... well you can read the J factor to find out about the story that happened in the house and some of what happened after that but what's happened in between is really interesting. Actually I'd be lying if I say it was interesting, but guess what motherfuckers? I'd be glad to go over it again.

Yes I'm pretty sure by this point you're probably wondering if I'm drunk (I'm not) because I appear to be making no sense at all .

No sense at all
But the funny part is if you read my shit you'll realize it's ok, like an arguing woman I don't have the need to make sense to get through with my arguments. I could easily end this entry right now, but fuck you cause I won't. I came here today with a purpose and by the power of the mighty Loki, I will get through with it!

Not so mighty at times...

So where was I? Curing Aids right?...wait, I'm pretty sure I should post that on MY OTHER PUBLICATION.... So about a year ago I met this wonderful wonderful wonderful person and well now I have to write more on it don't I? It would seem kind of pretty damn lame if I had built all that hype just to say I met a great gal. It would feel like one of those Jason Sudeikis movies that are nothing but hype

2 straight hours of ball busting scenes....

So yeah...she's awesome like.... well let's set things straight: it's pretty hard to write about it because it's simply impossible to explain. Have you ever scored a last minute goal? Have you ever witnessed the birth of your kids? Have you ever watched Schindler's List? If you have done at least one of those things you know what it's like to live, or find, or see one of those once in a lifetime events that can't be described well simply because you have to be there to know. You just know... you just know...

So in the midst of her birthday and knowing she'll probably read this I'll simply say I've been blessed for having her in my life and I really hope that things carry on that way and though some things are better left unsaid appreciation for those who matter in our lives should never be one of those. Have a great one!

Not to be confused with THE Great One

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