lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus....Bullshit

Have you ever heard somebody say shit like: "ALL MEN ARE THE SAME, FUCKING ASSHOLES", or a guy say shit like: "ALL WOMEN ARE SLUTS,GOLD DIGGERS, ALWAYS LOOKING FOR THEIR BEST INTEREST, FUCK EM ALL" and both guys and chicks saying shit like: "I AIN´T EVER FALLING FOR NO PIECE OF SHIT LIKE THAT AGAIN, NEVER AGAIN"

(Ladies and Gentlemen, it was a breakup not the fucking Holocaust so just chill the fuck down, they forgave the Germans and so can you forgive women or men all over the world)

And then the problems begin, men start treating the women they date like shit and women start acting like their vaginas like they were some sort public pool at the YMCA (ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS GET IN, ALL OF YOU)and start treating any guy who tries to break their house of bricks


With hostility and this strange thirst of revenge trying to screw over the feelings of anyone trying to get near her. Don´t get me wrong, guys to that too and they tend to do some crazy shit. Going around trying to tap their ex´s best friend, their mom, their sister (when the law allows it, and in some cases not even that) and just go around sleeping and making out with random people. The worst part of all is when this guys and girls start giving you advice on how to handle your relationship problems. Guys will tell you the sort of shit that would make your man whore of a Grandfather (my case, lived with 5 women simultaneously and spawned 36 offsprings) say shit like: "MOTHAFUCKA YOU CRAZY"; advice like: "FUCK HER AND LEAVE HER, GO AHEAD AND GET SOME MORE PUSSY" or "JUST GO FIND SOMEBODY ELSE, YOU GOT NEEDS CAUSE YOU A MAN". Chicks well I´m not really knowledgeable in chick advice but they usually end up in some sort of stop believing in love and how they need to be empowered and depend on no one and that sort lesbian feminist chick bullshit. In reality we have to face the truth, men are always gonna be dicks and women are always going to be pushy and bitchy, but that´s nature and that´s reality. The key in finding love is not trying to find someone who´s going to be perfect, it´s finding someone who at the end of the day gives you that goofy looking smile and say to yourself: "Damn, I could take this bullshit all my life and I´d still be happy cause it´s totally fucking worth it". Keep the faith in love fellas, cause you might not believe in it but it sure as hell believes in you.

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