domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

The Belmont Dropout

Recently I've decided to "reconfigure" an aspect of my life shifting from "cloud of smoke" to "anxious bastard". I know, quitting smoking considering my recent state of singleness I should be too depressed to make any more drastic changes in my life, but considering that breaking up revealed the true colors of my former loved one, I've decided to pay attention to the sick old man in my pack of lights and call it a day when it comes to the old smoke in and smoke out. My strategy is simple, I called up a couple of friends and decided to encourage them to smoke block me by punching me and or taking my lights away so it's pretty much a done deal.

It's time to call it a day and tomorrow will forever be remembered as the day I avoided this:

and traded it in for a


Call me crazy but it's time to turn my life around, I'm no Klingon but it's time to man up, grow up and so I'll eventually

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