domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

The Break Up

So recently I went through this break up, at first like you can all imagine I was devastated thinking that I could never find anyone like her and all but then I got to think... Yeah, unlike most people going through break ups who just decide to shrivel up and die I decided to stop and think where did it all go wrong because let's face it, I'm AWESOME

I was always a good boyfriend, polite, never pressured her and I even went through the tedious experience of meeting her parents and yet somehow she wasn't happy. These days she's dating someone else and by these days I mean it only took her 4 days to get over the "love" she allegedly have which kinda made me feel bad but I quickly decided to stop mourning cause I was already starting to get over her. I think I'm ready to get back in the saddle, yeah it's just a metaphor cause horses actually terrify me, cause the only thing that scares me more than a horse are whores. So I'm no Klingon but logic dictates getting over a love that apparently was not even real is pretty much pointless so this is the real reason I'm getting over the break up and riding that son of a bitch saddle:

2. I'm quite the catch when it comes to NOT that attractive dudes (Let's face it guys, God made me awesome and all but I couldn't get the perfect looks)
3. I have a really promising future and pampering hoes (not talking in a derogatory way just trying to state a point here) is one of my passions
4. This is NOT, I repeat NOT A REBOUND SITUATION, first of all due to the fact that I just discovered love was not there there is nothing I'd be bouncing up from (It's like dreaming you're falling and waking up and say I should stand up and check to see if I'm ok)
5. I'm really AWESOME
6. Life is all about moving and if you're not moving then you're not going anywhere and let's face it guys, people who are stuck in the same bad moment are a bit depressing and I'm too awesome to be depressing...

So criticize all you want BITCHIZ (I've never used that in my whole life I just thought it might have been a good moment) cause if hating is your occupation I got a full time job for ya, the world is mine and I ain't slowing down for NO ONE.

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