martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

The Open Square Complex

Close mind, open mind. People seem to think that there is an actual set of qualities that will make you close minded, reluctance to certain ideas or trying to avoid change, that make you an old fashioned conversative douche. In the other hand we find this guy:

All about the love, freedom of speech, loving of the world and experiencing everything new. But is he really? What´s the one thing "open minded" people hate the most? People who don´t respect their opinions or embrace the fact that there is more than simply one way to see the world... but wait a minute what´s the big difference between one and the other?

Can you see it? Because I really cannot, you see everyone in their own simple way tends to become an open square: we all have certain values, integrity, beliefs, etc... that we at one point or another refuse to change, and as "open minded" as you think you are you always draw a line that inhbits you from accepting that you´re totally the opposite from what you claim you are. Saying you´re open minded but refusing the conservative way is just like saying you really don´t like pork and then ordering a pepperoni pizza. I´m no Klingon but saying you´re blue when you´re orange is just a way of deceiving yourself and denying the nature that in the end we´re all open squares just hoping for the best and working for it in our own different and special way. So just kick it and let it be, because life is too damn AWESOME to be bitching and yammering about the same complains over and over. Cause in the end we´re all flawed so just embrace it and go with the flow.

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