jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

The J Factor Discovery

1. Inspiring awe: an awesome thunderstorm.
2. Expressing awe: stood in awesome silence before the ancient ruins.
3. Slang Remarkable; outstanding: "a totally awesome arcade game" (Los Angeles Times).

A few months ago after I decided to skip a mandatory conference at school I decided to go on a Burger King run and go to a friend´s house, who shall go unnamed for rape and/or kidnapping avoiding purposes, and I saw this shy little (she was not little in height but to make it a bit more artistic and descriptive let´s leave it at that) girl (more of a teenage female) sitting on a couch just looking uncomfortable, quiet, and certainly out of place. I´d visited my friend hundreds of times and not once had I seen this peculiar yet interesting individual so as any mingling stranger would do I decided to make some small talk. A few days later we met again at a party and yet she was still shy and reluctant to open up (in a strictly non sexual way because any girl who is actually willing to open up in that way is a WHORE)


Later on we met on college, small world? NAH, we actually decided to get the same classes and she turned out to be sheer awesomeness, talking to her actually feels like the combination of the moment when Buzz Lightyear and Woody Fly with a Rocket

(Pretty Badass)

and owning a unicorn that is willing to give you his blood every once in a while. Smart, Cute, Funny, Likes Rad Music and Rad Movies, makes you move your lazy ass so you can pass the class kinda person, and is basically the kind of person that would give Edward Cullen (yeah that faggoty sparkling douchebag from the twilight series) a run for his money. So I´m no Klingon but getting to know a person like that and have her around you everyday is pretty much AWESOME. You say you wish you had the X factor that makes people mutants? I say you´ve yet to meet the J factor that makes them LEGENDARY.

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